Andre Natta and the rest of the planning crew down in Birmingham have been working non-stop to make sure that the first south-eastern WordCamp is going to be a great success. If you’re into WordPress [ and really, who isn’t? 😉 ], they’re still looking for both sponsors and speakers.
I have two sessions planned for WordCampBirmingham. My first session will be "Making WordPress Dance", which will cover some advanced techniques, tricks, plug-ins, and other ways to make WordPress really stand out and look less like a blog and more like a web-site.
I’m also doing a panel discussion with Jeremy Flint on "WordPress as a CMS", which goes well with my other session because part of my first session will briefly touch on how to have a front page that’s not your blog posts – an integral part of a content management system.
If you’ve made the decision to head down let me know via Twitter or Facebook and we’ll make sure to hook up. I’ve already added a lot of the twitter people and have met some wonderful people who are really into WordPress.
See you there!