I’m sitting in my hotel room after getting a hot shower under led shower head (I love how water change its’ color as I shower) after the day’s conference. I sat outside talking to Brian Collinger for a while (he’s one of Automattic’s Code Wranglers – and the dude knows his stuff). And that’s what these events are all about – connecting (and reconnecting) with awesome people and getting lots of useful knowledge.
It’s funny what you have to learn for these things. Chris Spencer, the event organizer, asked me to present on WordPress 3.0 today as a last minute session. I agreed, and (although I knew a lot about it) never really got a chance to put it all together. So, I started a dev site and started diving in. I learned more just playing around with the development site than I have in a while.
And so, I take one thing, among many, from this conference – don’t be afraid to love what you do, and do it just for fun every now and then. Because that’s where the moment’s of true learning are.
I’m heading out for the after party in a half hour… so hopefully I’ll see you guys there. If you haven’t gotten a chance to connect with me at the conference, please feel free to see what I’m all about here and get to know me – WordPress is not about great software, it’s about the people that make the software great.
Random Quote: “I have a face for podcasting”