The Hidden WordPress Options Panel


Did you know that there's a hidden options panel in WordPress? It's one page you can visit that will allow you to set every single option available to you on your site - even some of the hidden ones that are set via plugins and/or other functions. Navigating here will show you any options, ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) options, SEO options (if you…

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The Road Ahead


Hibernation. I've been trying to come up with a good word that explains my life for the past year or so.  Hibernation, I think, fits the bill quite nicely. The last few months have been a transition period.  A new job (at Vanderbilt University). A new baby (who's three months old now). A myriad of other things all happening at once - all of those compounded…

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Adding SSL To Your Amazon AWS Instance


The last few blog posts have been an in-depth tutorial on how to set up an Amazon AWS Instance.  And, while the basics were more than covered, I had a few reader asking me about a super important topic: SSL and Encryption. What exactly is SSL Encryption? The short answer: it's that fancy green lock on your favorite sites that keeps information secure. The…

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Setting Up An Amazon Web Services (AWS) Instance for WordPress: Part 1


For a while now, I've been diving more and more into the realm of the "server administrator" and setting up servers for clients. I started with Ramnode, but eventually moved to Digital Ocean because of its ease-of-use for a (then) newbie like myself. Over the past few days, however, I've been migrating a client away from a big-box WordPress host over to something they…

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Discussion: Are Blog Comments Truly “Social”?

Content, Social Media

Let's talk "comments", shall we? I popped into the #blogchat tonight for the first time in a while. Partly trying to avoid work, and partly trying to avoid the Golden Globes, I realized that I was actually in front of my computer at a decent time to be able to follow along. What came out of it was some (unknowingly) deep discussions that I think…

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Creating a Site Specific Plugin in WordPress


Quick: how do you add a custom function into a theme. If you said 'add it to your functions.php file', then you would be correct. But is that really the best way to go about things? The Problem Let's say you've customized your site with some pretty fancy functions you've added in through the hooks and actions in WordPress. You're in the process of…

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Using Hyperlinks Correctly in WordPress


Any good content marketer worth his or her salt knows the value of using links in their content. It's a good strategy to practice - whether you're linking internally to content you've written in the past or to external resources you mention in posts.  However, a lot of people overlook a small, single detail that could mean the difference between someone staying on their website…

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