Using Conversion Pixels in WooCommerce


In case you weren't aware, last night was the first "Understanding WooCommerce" online Workshop for UnderstandWP.  I had a blast doing it, and the attendees said there was quite a bit of information they learned (which is the goal, right?).  You can still purchase the archived copy in case you missed it. With Facebook Ads and Google AdWords as mainstay of most marketing campaigns and link building…

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Podcasting with PowerPress


We are right in the middle of the "second wave" of podcasting.  If you're a younger person (low to mid 20s) you may not realize just how popular podcasting was back in the 00's.  It's back, and bigger than ever, and most brands would benefit from having some sort of podcasting element on their site or blog.  And the easiest way to do that is…

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Help! I’m Locked out of WordPress


There's nothing scarier than trying to log into your WordPress site and realizing you are unable to do so.  Honestly, it happens for one of a few reasons: we forget our password, we've given our account to someone else and they've forgotten the password, or an unsavory individual has gotten access to your account and has now locked you out.  Any of these examples are…

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Setting up Scroll Triggered Boxes


Let's be real for a second. People. Hate. Popups. Yes, I know they work, but - personally - I think they leave a bad taste in your user's mouth.  There is no such thing as a neutral interaction with a brand - everything you do for a user is either positively or negatively affecting your brand. Is there an alternative? Yes - the amazing (not…

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YouTube Videos, Tweets, and More – the Magic of oEmbed


I'll be straight with you - for a long time, adding media (other than text) to WordPress just flat out sucked.  You had to switch the site to Text (HTML) mode, paste in the object/embed code, and prayed that it looked right once you were finished.  It wasn't necessarily a fault of WordPress - it was that the methods were just not what they…

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Category Description: SEO for your Category Archive


Did you know WordPress had a special field for category descriptions?  Most people have seen it while working on category lists in their WordPress blog, but chances are you may have skimmed over it or paid it no attention.  You see, most themes are ill-equipped to take advantage of it - that means that, for most, it sits unused.  But there's an untapped potential…

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Under the Hood with WordPress, Part 6: jQuery / JavaScript


This is our final post of a 6-part series on diving "under the hood" with WordPress. Today, we're covering jQuery and JavaScript - a power language that can manipulate elements and - in some cases - even bring content in, even after the site has loaded. Intro HTML CSS - Introduction CSS - Examples PHP / MySQL jQuery We're in the home stretch with our WordPress…

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Under the Hood with WordPress, Part 5: PHP/MySQL


This is Part 5 of a 6-part series on diving "under the hood" with WordPress. Today, we're covering PHP - the "PHP Hypertext Preprocessor" that runs, computes, analyzes, and stores your WordPress data. Intro HTML CSS - Introduction CSS - Examples PHP / MySQL jQuery Well, if you've made it this far, give yourself a silver star - you can now read and interpret the displayed…

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Under the Hood with WordPress, Part 4: Using CSS


This is Part 4 of a 6-part series on diving "under the hood" with WordPress. Today, we're covering the last part of CSS (Cascading Stylesheets).  We'll go over some specific examples that you'll see often as you look through a WordPress theme. Intro HTML CSS - Introduction CSS - Examples PHP jQuery So, after yesterday's CSS lesson is your head spinning yet?  The positioning piece…

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Under the Hood with WordPress, Part 3: CSS


This is Part 3 of a 6-part series on diving "under the hood" with WordPress. Today, we're covering CSS, known as "Cascading Stylesheets".  Using CSS, you can modify any property of an HTML tag and have the web look exactly like you see fit! Other posts in this series: Intro HTML CSS - Introduction CSS - Examples PHP jQuery Now that we understand the basics of HTML,…

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