Category Archive: Social Media

“Sue First, and Ask Questions Later” – Should We Watch What We Tweet?

Social Media

I’ve been following the story out of Chicago about the Bonnen v. Horizon Realty Group (latest post on Mashable is that Horizon is backpedaling) with some keen interest.  Here’s a tenant who says something bad about her (former?) landlord, to 20 people (the number of followers she has) and it ends up leading to a huge social-network-fronted outcry from the company.  It’s the first…

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Sprint’s New Commerical

Social Media

People always say that I'm a numbers guy.  This commercial feeds that love.  The stats have to come from somewhere (I’d love to see the data behind it), but it’s still interesting to see how many people are using the mobile web.  My favorite line: “233,000 people just sent a tweet on twitter.  26% of you don’t know what that means”.  But then again,…

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Change Has Come To The White House… Website

Social Media

If you have't seen the new White House government site, I have to say that Obama's web guys know what they're doing.  Nice feature rotator, inviting color scheme, and easy-to-use links to all the important parts - kudos to the people behind this website. The coolest part, as mentioned by @allenfuller, is that the inside pages have the oval office walls at the top. …

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5 Books To Satisfy Your Social Media Resolution in 2009

Social Media

So, you’ve seen all the buzz about Twitter, WordPress, and all of these other new and exciting things happening on the Internet, but you don’t have a a clue where to start?  Never fear: we’ve all been there, and it took the knowledge of some great minds to get us there.  Here are some great books to get you caught up to speed with…

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A Little Geek Humor for your Day (Yakov Smirnoff style!)

Social Media

If anyone wants to add to the fun, feel free to in the comments below. In the US, we follow twitter to catch up with friends. In Soviet Russia, twitter follows you! And you always get caught ;) In the US, College students use facebook to find out where parties are. In Soviet Russia, "The Party" can always find you ;) In the US,…

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What 2009 Holds for Social Media

Social Media

Normally I’m not one to recycle information on the net (I think that we’ve already become a big enough echo chamber without one other voice being added) but I do like this PDF put out by 14 of the best minds in Social Media.  It’s a great read! Social Media 2009 Publish at Scribd or explore others: Management Business social media 2009

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4 Great Ways To Show Readers Some Christmas Lovin’

Social Media

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone, ushering in the Christmas/holiday season (whether its shopping, parties, or travelling that you do, you do so much more of it during the last 30 days of the year, it seems).  But it's easy to forget sometimes that your readers, commenters, and online social network friends are there all year round, giving you great discussions and passing your…

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