I had the lovely privilege of meeting Chris Brogan (ladies man, man’s man, man about town… wait, no… super awesome top 150 blogger and marketing guy) today at the Author’s Way event in Nashville this morning. If you didn’t get to check it out, the live feed will be on a DVD available for purchase, but to sum it up, Chris talked about his new book “Trust Agents” and how important it is to utilize new media technologies to leverage what people say about you, good or bad. They’re talking about you – whether you are talking with them or not.
Chris is an amazing speaker, and a down to earth guy (something I find a rare trait in Social Media people), but his message is one of the most relevant I’ve heard. I’m glad I got a copy of the book – now if I can find time to read it in the busy schedule, it’ll be even better 😉
Thanks again for coming to Nashville, Chris – we really enjoyed having you, and hopefully you can stay more than 27 hours next time!