Workflow: Questioning the Tried and True Methods


My workflow, for the curious, looks something like this:

  • Digital wireframe.
  • Overlay wireframe on Photoshop (onto 16 column grid).
  • Design mockups.
  • Solicit feedback from client.
  • Make changes.
  • Get approval from client.
  • Code mockup into CSS/WordPress template.
  • Load Content
  • Browser Check
  • Responsive Check
  • Final Client Check
  • Launch

Seems relatively straight-forward, right?  I’ve been seeing post after post online saying that “designing with Photoshop is dead” and “the bell tolls for Photoshop”.  While the article titles are a bit on the apocalyptic side, they did get me thinking: is my workflow wrong?  Am I working in an outdated method?

And then, I stopped.  Because I realized something:

This workflow works for me.

I’ve got this down to a science.  Clients end up with websites they are happy with, and I end up with products that I’m proud of (and am willing to put on my portfolio).  Granted, there are pros and cons to both, but everyone has a workflow that they’re used to, that works for them, and that lets them do what they do best: design/develop/write.

I’d love to know your workflow, if you’re in the business (or if not, hey that’s fine too).  I feel like mine works for me, and it allows me to get stuff done in a timely fashion, and I think (ultimately) that’s what matters.

Just a little inspiration for those of you who are out there “doing” it day to day.  Don’t sweat the details.  Just go out and do awesome stuff.