For the past few days, I’ve been in beautiful Las Vegas for the 2013 New Media Expo. You may know this event previously as “BlogWorld”, but this year NMX took Vegas by storm. It backed up to #CES, and there was a lot of overlap with events and some attendees sticking around to attend both.
Since I’m currently stuck at the airport after a missed flight (totally my fault, mind you), there’s no better time than to catch you up.
It was a fantastic conference, but here’s the recap:
(if you’re looking at this hoping to find my presentation’s slides, then check near the bottom).
People Respond to People, not Logos
Scott Monty of Ford gave a fantastic presentation on Sunday night on how Ford’s been using Social Media. He mentioned that most of the better responses they’ve gotten is when an actual person was at the forefront. “People respond to people, not logos”, he says, and I couldn’t agree more
There’s still a lot of discord between traditional media and new media
The twitter feed of Tuesday night’s keynote exploded as a seemingly good idea was hit hard with criticism. Chris Hardwick (aka, the @nerdist), took the stage for a (very) few minutes as they spoke about “What’s Next after What’s Next”… but if you’d looked at the Twitter feed, you’d see people wondering why topics such as “retail” and “traditional television” were being discussed and not flying cars.
Personally, I thought it was entertaining, even if not what was expected.
People love technical sessions
My session on “Advanced Blog Design” went great, even for being the session right before the keynote on the last day (typically one of the hardest sessions to get people to come to). We had fun playing “name that HTML tag”, and it got pretty competitive.
So, there you have it – a fantastic half-week of some of the best and brightest minds in Social Media, blogging, and podcasting.
If you attended, what was your favorite part? And if not, what do you want to learn next year when you go (hint hint)?