I gave two presentations: my staple presentation (and my strong point in the WordPress world) titled “How to Use WordPress for Dang Near Anything” – which basically equates to “Using WordPress as a CMS”, and an introduction to WordPress session. I love doing the WordPress 101 sessions because it gives me a chance to really share my passion with others on WordPress, and it’s typically people who are more curious, eager to learn, and willing to ask lots of questions – which they did.
Ohio has some great people, and I met a lot more of them today (and was bummed because some of my good friends weren’t able to make it). There are people here who are just as passionate about podcasting, blogging, linkedin, and all other manner of speciality as I am about WordPress. Getting that many passionate people in a room together to talk means for some high energy – and lots of great discussions.
We’re heading back to Nashville today, but thanks again to all of the organizers, the sponsors, and all of the other speakers and participants for making the event so fantastic. I’ll miss you guys, but please, feel free to keep in touch on twitter.
Here are my slides from my “WordPress as a CMS” session – they are a little outdated because of WordPress 3.0, but not by much – the rest of the technology will work together with 3.0 really well.