Tag: bweny

  • Speaking At BlogWorldNY 2012 (#bweny)

    I got the fantastic news today: I’ll be speaking at BlogWorldNY later this year (June 5-7). Topic: Responsive Web Design: One Website to Rule Them All… I’ll be talking about what responsive web design is, and why it’s beneficial to make your site or blog responsive.  If you’ve never been, BlogWorld is, by far, one of…

  • Blogworld Hits New York (a recap)

    I’m flying on my last flight back from New York (and thankful that these flights fared better than my incoming flights to LaGuardia). I finally have a little bit of time to rest, recouporate, and put into words all of the ideas, feelings, and emotions that I’ve experienced over the last week. I’ve met a…

  • Why Marketers (and others) Should Learn About WordPress at BlogWorld (#bweny)

    I’ve made no qualms in (sometimes a little too much) mentioning that I will be speaking one week from today at BlogWorldExpo in New York City.  I’m pretty excited, considering that I missed last year’s conference for the birth of our lovely son #2 (Sorry BlogWorld, it was totally worth it :).  As such, I’ve…