Tag: Nashville

  • Totality

    There are really no words to describe the feeling I had seeing the Eclipse today.  I could try to throw out words with empty meaning like “fantastic”, or “magical”, but they seem to fall flat when I think back and recall how I actually felt. Holly and I had decided early on that we wanted…

  • Tales of a *Camp Veteran – Maximizing Your PodCamp Experience (for #pcn11)

    The Nashville PodCamp (coming up this Saturday) marks my 15th camp experience, both as a speaker and as a participant.  The past three years I’ve held privilege to attend camps all over the country, but the Nashville camps (and the southeast in general) seems to have the best handle on how to have a good…

  • foursquare: Your Social Life, Metagamed.

    There’s a new social network in town. At first, when I heard people talking about it from New York, Atlanta, and Austin, I really didn’t see what the big deal was.  I used Brightkite, and stopped using it because there was no real value other than telling people how I found a free welcome bonus…

  • Chris Brogan, #cbnash, and Nashville – A Great Event!

    I had the lovely privilege of meeting Chris Brogan (ladies man, man’s man, man about town… wait, no… super awesome top 150 blogger and marketing guy) today at the Author’s Way event in Nashville this morning.  If you didn’t get to check it out, the live feed will be on a DVD available for purchase,…