Welcome To The New World Order
I wanted to show you guys something. It’s going to look strange because the real MPAA site (where I got this content) is pulling their blog in an IFRAME. So… bear with me. Article is here: http://blog.mpaa.org/BlogOS/post/2012/01/17/Senator-Dodd-On-Troubling-Developments-of-Blackout-Day-.aspx Only days after the White House and chief sponsors of the legislation responded to the major concern expressed…
Mr. Canter Goes To Washington… er, Nashville
I’m sitting at Dunn Brothers (again; I was here earlier prepping my talking points and statistics) debriefing myself on the conversations had at my meeting with Rep Cooper (D-TN) and members of the tech and entertainment industry. I didn’t take notes, so I apologize if I forgot anything, but I wanted to give a short…
SOPA, and The Future Of The Internet
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and with the new year finally here I have a lot of ideas and cool things to talk about. I was going to wait until my new design rolled out to do a new post, but this is something that’s important enough to warrant it’s own post. If…