Tag Archive: Web Design

One Web to Rule Them All: An Introduction to Responsive Design


This series is meant to be an in-depth look at Responsive Design.  It covers the history, the how-to, and best practices on responsive design, taken from the view of someone who hates fluid layouts and has found a (seemingly) better solution.  This session will be expounded upon in detail at BlogWorldExpo later this year. According to the latest research, there are now 1.2 billion mobile…

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Good (and Bad) Design in Politics, Part 2


The Great It’s one day before the most historic election anyone can remember, and the websites are getting traffic hits in the millions as the clock winds down.  The first post focused on the main candidates, but there are other policy groups, politicians, and lobby groups that have fantastic designs. Better Roads Now I love this site.  It’s super colorful and has a great…

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CSS Reset: Leveling the Playing Field (a bit)


I've recently discovered a nice way to standardize the view I get between Internet Explorer and Firefox, which have a standard "stylesheet" built in to render websites.  The problem: both browsers use a different stylesheet, which can lead to inconsistancies between the same site on different browsers. So, I've adopted a "CSS Reset" file.  What it does is basically clean the slate and neutralize…

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