Tag: WordPress
50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog-Day 2: Caching
I want to cover a lot of different topics during this series, and one that seems to be drilled into people’s heads is the idea that they should be doing things to “make their page load faster”. There are a few good solutions, but the one I recommend the most is to find a good…
50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog–Day 1: Font Readability
When it comes to typography online, there are a few simple ideas you can remember to help your users read your articles time and time again and always be begging for more, without them having to get new glasses every time.
PodCampNashville: a #pcn11 recap
Yesterday downtown Nashville was invaded by 600+ of the brightest and best geeks in town as the Cadillac Ranch opened its doors for the third annual PodCampNashville. People turned out in droves to hear speakers talk on creativity, development, design, marketing, public relations, and all other manner of speaking sessions. I spoke on WordPress,…
Why the Answer “Google It” Isn’t Cutting It Anymore
I love helping people out with WordPress. Sure, I don’t use the official channels like the forums or stack exchange, but I love helping out people on Twitter. I do lurk on the aforementioned services, though, and unfortunately have noticed that there’s a recurring trend that pops up from time to time that really bothers…
Thursday Conversations: HTML5
One of the best new features of 3.1 – this brings Internal Linking to the forefront, allowing you to quickly link to old posts, pages, or other content types. Admin Bar Also super important – this adds a bar to any logged in user that has commonly used functions or actions within easy reach –…
What’s New in WordPress 3.1
WordPress 3.1, codename “Reinhardt”, released today to much fanfare and rejoicing to all. But what’s so special about the new version? Look no further: Internal Linking One of the best new features of 3.1 – this brings Internal Linking to the forefront, allowing you to quickly link to old posts, pages, or other content types.…
WordPress in the A-T-L (Atlanta, Here I Come!)
I’m exhausted after DNow weekend (6 middle schoolers staying at my house over the weekend) but had loads of fun. Now that it’s past, it’s time to switch back to WordPress mode and pack my stuff. Wednesday evening I’ll be in Atlanta, GA talking to all the awesome people at the WordPress User’s Group about…
BlogInfo – One Tag with a Whole Lot of Awesomeness
One of the most versitile tags in my arsenal that WordPress gives me is a fun little tag called <?php bloginfo(); ?>. By itself, it’s not much fun, but when you add in a variable, it can tell you anything you need to know about your blog. Like what, you ask? name description admin_email url…
WordPress: The Ultimate Content Management System (CMS)
For years WordPress has been touted as the number one blogging platform. And without mistake – it is. But as we creep closer to WordPress 3.1 it’s nice to take a step back and see just how far its’ come. From winning the CMS Hall of Fame Award to the multiple thousands of plugins that…