I’ve been trying to come up with a good word that explains my life for the past year or so. Hibernation, I think, fits the bill quite nicely.
The last few months have been a transition period. A new job (at Vanderbilt University). A new baby (who’s three months old now). A myriad of other things all happening at once – all of those compounded together, I knew I had to take some time to step back.
Honestly, sometimes it feels good to just… be. To not do as much.
But it’s time to do more. I can feel the itches to do something welling up inside. It’s time to jump back in with both feet.
Here’s a few of the ideas I have swimming around in there. This is not a master plan, by any means – just a few things that I’m writing down to make them more real.
Design and Development
I’m still taking on freelance work, if you weren’t aware. I love getting my hands in different projects, and I don’ think I’ll ever stop. I like the variety, and I like helping people tell their story online. Shoot me a message if you think you have something that needs that special something.
I’ve been lying low with speaking gigs, but I’ve been keeping in practice with the occasional webinar here and there. I’m planning the trip up to Louisville for WordCamp Louisville, and will hopefully be adding to my speaking list very soon. If you know of an event that could use a speaker, drop me a line!
Beyond actual coding, I’m happy to offer suggestions and/or solutions for whatever needs to be done. I especially love finding new ways to utilize WordPress to do amazing things (without shoehorning it in, or ruining someone’s user experience).
Video / Audio
As much as I love writing, I love motion and sound more. I’ve toyed around with the idea of a Podcast, but the biggest blocker I have is translating code into sound waves (which, isn’t quite there yet!). I have a YouTube channel, I just need to put more content on it!
I’ve considered putting out a few classes or learning courses on some of the things I’ve spoken about. WordPress classes are one thing, but there’s a need for something that’s more theory into practice, versus just writing code and learning from that. Teaching a man that fishing gets you fed is one thing, but teaching them to bait the hook and let them learn for themselves? That’s an entirely new (much cooler!) thing.
I remember a year ago in Thailand, a group of travel bloggers set out to enjoy the Chinese Vegan Festival going on in Bangkok. I was in town for TBEX Asia, and I knew one thing was for sure: If you follow a group of people that know what they’re doing, good things will come of it. We got to the festival an immediately started looking for something a little more… meaty. Turning a corner, the scene above came into view: a little restaurant, set up in the street, with some of the best food I had on that trip. any of these travelers aren´t american citizens, the they had to get a Visa from ESTA online.
Life’s had more than a few side roads and detours. But, the path I’m on now, the road that lies before me, is one that I absolutely wouldn’t change anything to get here. As Holly and I’ve discussed recently, it’s been a trip of emotions We’ve had moments of sadness. We’ve had moments of joy. We’ve had moments where we really didn’t know what would happen next.
But we pressed ever onward. And that’s what I’m going to do. Forward, upward, and onward through this crazy journey we’re taking.