Things I Learned from #wcatl (and a Few I Learned on My Own)
2. The PHP and WordPress communities can learn a lot from each other.
@technosailor gave a fantastic presentation (re: lecture in a discussion-y way) on how the core communities of both the PHP world and the WordPress world could stand to play nicer to each other. Personally, I think that the problem comes from WP people starting out in WordPress and learning PHP (top down) instead of learning PHP then jumping into WordPress (bottom up).
3. People will do just about anything for a copy of “Crush It”.
‘Nuff said.
4. The more I talk about WordPress at a conference, the more I realize I know nothing about WordPress.
Getting to meet giants like John Saddington (@Human3rror), talking to Jane Wells, and hearing Mark Jaqueth (@markjaqueth) made me realize that not only do I still have a lot to learn, but by not helping to make WordPress better I am hurting the platform more than I am helping it. I submitted my first patch to the TRAC, but that’s only a small step in making WordPress even better than it already is.
5. The Atlanta WordPress scene is hopping!
There are a lot of people in Atlanta who are passionate about WordPress, and the community there is fantastic (how could 400 people otherwise justify getting out in the ice and show to come to the SCAD to hear about WordPress, yes?). I was glad to meet a lot of you, and I hope we can keep in touch.