Happy Birthday … me! But, i don’t want you guys to send me presents, or iTunes credits, or XBOX points, or anything… what I want is for you to help out some people who need it more than me – the children in hospitals across the country. I mean, they’re there, trying to get better with little to nothing to do except, well… sit there.
That’s where Child’s Play comes in:
Since 2003, over 100,000 gamers worldwide have banded together through Child’s Play, a community based charity grown and nurtured from the game culture and industry. Over 3.5 million dollars in donations of toys, games, books and cash for sick kids in children’s hospitals across North America and the world have been collected since our inception.
Child’s Play takes money it collects (or donations it receives) and gives toys and video games to one of their 40 hospitals worldwide (for you Nashville people, Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital is on their list). And, if you don’t specify, that’s where the donations will go. If you have a local hospital, then specify and I’ll re-route some funds that way.
The Chip-in meter is open until the 31st, so feel free to give anytime during that time period. It’s only 3 days, but I want to raise as much as I can.
So, happy birthday to me! And it’s time to let someone else have a few presents 🙂