Category Archive: Conferences

Why Marketers (and others) Should Learn About WordPress at BlogWorld (#bweny)


I've made no qualms in (sometimes a little too much) mentioning that I will be speaking one week from today at BlogWorldExpo in New York City.  I'm pretty excited, considering that I missed last year's conference for the birth of our lovely son #2 (Sorry BlogWorld, it was totally worth it :).  As such, I've seen numerous lists come out that showcase the "best…

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PodCampNashville: a #pcn11 recap


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Mitch Canter getting ready to speak (credit Dave Delaney)"][/caption] Yesterday downtown Nashville was invaded by 600+ of the brightest and best geeks in town as the Cadillac Ranch opened its doors for the third annual PodCampNashville.  People turned out in droves to hear speakers talk on creativity, development, design, marketing, public relations, and all other manner of speaking sessions.  …

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Tales of a *Camp Veteran – Maximizing Your PodCamp Experience (for #pcn11)


[caption id="attachment_1342" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo credit: Wonderdawg777 ("][/caption] The Nashville PodCamp (coming up this Saturday) marks my 15th camp experience, both as a speaker and as a participant.  The past three years I’ve held privilege to attend camps all over the country, but the Nashville camps (and the southeast in general) seems to have the best handle on how to have a good time…

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WordPress in the A-T-L (Atlanta, Here I Come!)


I’m exhausted after DNow weekend (6 middle schoolers staying at my house over the weekend) but had loads of fun.  Now that it’s past, it’s time to switch back to WordPress mode and pack my stuff.  Wednesday evening I’ll be in Atlanta, GA talking to all the awesome people at the WordPress User’s Group about WordPress.  You should come.

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Recreate ‘11


If you’re going to be at #recreate11 this year (held tomorrow – Thursday at Rolling Hills, please don’t hesitate to stop and say hello.  I know I’m not a worship pastor or creative arts director, but immersing yourself with creative people is a good way to recharge creative batteries and network with like minded people.  So, I’ll see you there!

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The BCN Speaker-Up


Last night I had the extreme privilege to speak at a “prep session” for anyone who was interested in speaking at BarCampNashville this year.  It was a great time, with great people (and the best drinks in Nashville!).  We covered lots of topics, and instead of trying to do it an injustice and recap, here’s the full video below for your viewing pleasure. As…

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WordPress 3.0 RC1 – a look


I gave two presentations: my staple presentation (and my strong point in the WordPress world) titled "How to Use WordPress for Dang Near Anything" - which basically equates to "Using WordPress as a CMS", and an introduction to WordPress session.  I love doing the WordPress 101 sessions because it gives me a chance to really share my passion with others on WordPress, and it's…

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a small recap of #wcfay


I'm sitting back at my desk after a looooong series of flights back from Fayetteville, Arkansas today coming back from their inaugural WordCamp.  Chris Spencer did a fantastic job organizing an army of volunteers and sponsors, and the event was fantastic.  I'm hoping I get to go back next year, because there's an immense pool of talent brimming from Fayetteville.WordCamps always get me fired…

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