Category Archive: Social Media

Discussion: Are Blog Comments Truly “Social”?

Content, Social Media

Let's talk "comments", shall we? I popped into the #blogchat tonight for the first time in a while. Partly trying to avoid work, and partly trying to avoid the Golden Globes, I realized that I was actually in front of my computer at a decent time to be able to follow along. What came out of it was some (unknowingly) deep discussions that I think…

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Social Media

I’ve been testing out, using, and utilizing Google+ now for 5 days.  I’m proud to say that I was in on Google+ on Day 1,  because it’s like being in the ground floor of a building that’s being built around you.  There’s tons of activity, lots of potential, and builders who are actively listening to the ideas and concerns that their new tenants have. …

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The Location War: Mid-Battle Report

Social Media

So, as promised a few weeks ago on Twitter, I decided to give a few services a try, and weed out the ones that I felt like weren’t serving my purpose well.  After almost a month of testing, I’ve finally narrowed it down to the two top contenders: Foursquare and Gowalla. IF all things continue as they are, however, Foursquare is likely to be…

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How to Create a Dynamic Sidebar Controlled with Custom Fields in WordPress

Social Media

OK, so it’s not the most original title in the world, but it gets the point across :) I’ve been working with the fantastic Jeff Brown and the Way-FM crew to create a site for their Nashville presence that will allow them super-quick, easy content management and a place they can post local stories and events.  WordPress, of course, is the logical choice, but…

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The Beginning of the End for IE6? (finally!)

Social Media

Snickers commercial with Betty White Let’s be honest – Betty White makes nearly anything funny, and throw in Abe and some funny commentary from both and you’ve got yourself a killer commercial. Doritos: Snack Attack Samurai It’s my personal opinion that Doritos is the clear cut commercial winner this year.  All of their commercials were funny, well written (even the casket one was OK…

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foursquare: Your Social Life, Metagamed.

Social Media

There’s a new social network in town. At first, when I heard people talking about it from New York, Atlanta, and Austin, I really didn’t see what the big deal was.  I used Brightkite, and stopped using it because there was no real value other than telling people how I found a free welcome bonus no deposit casino online, the £100 in bet credits…

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Does Hard Selling Still Work?

Social Media

A lot of people don’t know this, but before I dove head first into the realm that is web-design and social media, I used to do door-to-door sales.  Yup, hard-core street-pounding invasion type door-to-door sales.  It was for a local company here in Nashville called Stallion, Inc, and the whole idea was severely based on the “get in, get out” mentality.  “If you don’t…

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The Social Side of Southern Hospitality

Social Media

A lot of people don’t know this about me, but I grew up in a small town in Kentucky.  I mean really, really small. Here’s a hint: I share a hometown with the latest “America’s Got Talent” winner.  I’ll let you do the math on that one. Anyway , the whole town had about 10,000 people in it, zero Starbucks (heck, no coffee-shops of…

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The Customer is Always Right… …Right?

Social Media

If you’re in an industry that deals with people, chances are you’ve dealt with some that are easier than others.  Everyone craves the client who is easy to understand, speaks in legible thoughts about the subject, and knows the difference between an honest mistake and a definitive screw-up. Chances are, however, that may not always be the case. Chances are that you may have…

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