Category Archive: Tutorial

One Block to Another: A Guide To The Block Transform API


The introduction of Gutenberg in WordPress has revolutionized the way we create and design content. With Gutenberg's popularity on the rise, content creators are on the hunt for ways to make their content easier and more effective to write. As more and more blocks are added to the repository, it becomes increasingly important to allow a sort of interoperability to them - allowing blocks…

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Splitting Out Spotify: Streaming & Recording With "Tracks" in OBS


It's a known fact that using streamed footage to create YouTube videos is a fantastic way to repurpose content. However, for a lot of streamers, their music of choice on stream leaves them with a problem: YouTube’s (seemingly random) stance on copyright. Using popular songs is guaranteed to get you a strike, but it’s difficult to know or discern if a lesser-known song is…

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Ajax + jQuery: An Introduction

JavaScript, Tutorial

Since Twitch released their 'Twitch Extensions' SDK, I've been having a lot of fun playing around with different things I can integrate into Twitch's panels. I've build a WordPress Panel and I'm working on Tumblr and Instagram Panels (which require a lot more API work).  But the crux of everything I've been working on relies on getting data from source to destination in a…

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Adding a Favicon / Site Icon to your WordPress Site


Chances are, you've bookmarked a site to re-visit it later. And, if you have, you've seen the small icon that shows up next to the site in your bookmarks. See the first three? No icon.  The final one, however does have an icon - called a 'favicon' associated with it.  WordPress, for a long time, didn't have a native way to include favicons -…

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Advanced Custom Fields: Building a Client Friendly “Page Builder”, Part 1

Tutorial, WordPress

There are very few subjects debated so hotly in the WordPress world as the ones regarding "Page Builders". For the unfamiliar, a page builder allows the end user to set up content without needing knowledge of code.  While - to the end user - the allure of being able to have full control over design and content is nice, most developers shy away from them…

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Adding SSL To Your Amazon AWS Instance


The last few blog posts have been an in-depth tutorial on how to set up an Amazon AWS Instance.  And, while the basics were more than covered, I had a few reader asking me about a super important topic: SSL and Encryption. What exactly is SSL Encryption? The short answer: it's that fancy green lock on your favorite sites that keeps information secure. The…

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