Category: Tutorial
Checking for A Specific Post Type in WordPress
Conditional Tags are one of my all-time favorite tools to use when developing a WordPress theme. It’s an intelligent use of programming logic that allows even non-coders to grasp the basics and, in turn, create complex and functional WordPress themes. With the advent of custom post types, a method was needed to check for the…
Creating a Custom URL Shortener using
If you’ve come to this site by way of Twitter or Facebook, you may have noticed that the short link for all of these posts isn’t your typical URL.
Adding Featured Images to a WordPress Post or RSS Feed
Every post on this blog has a “featured image” – the last few have been screenshots of my blog for the various tutorials I’ve been writing or a photo of the BlogWorld banner to talk about my speaking acceptance, but the one thing that always bothered me was that any time you used a featured…
Building a Portfolio With Custom Post Types / Taxonomies: Enhancing The Archive
Yesterday we finished our portfolio, built with a custom post type, three taxonomies, and some custom field information that we can use to display lots of data about our pieces. Today is a bonus; we’ve got all these really cool taxonomies, but no way to really browse the portfolio based on a specific term. Create…
Building a Portfolio With Custom Post Types / Taxonomies: Files & Meta
Yesterday we took a look at the beginning parts of building a portfolio using WordPress. It basically boiled down to a few parts: Create the Post Type (done yesterday) Create The Taxonomies (Color Scheme [tag based], Work Done, WordPress Functionality Used) (done yesterday) Create Archive / Single pages for post type Create Meta Box Assign…
SOPA, and The Future Of The Internet
Once that’s done, you should see your new entry below “posts” on the left menu, with your three taxonomies underneath. The first step is complete. I’ll go more into detail on the specific templates used, as well as sidebar content that changes whether you’re in the portfolio or not, and even between single portfolio entries…
Building a Portfolio With Custom Post Types / Taxonomies: Overview
When I created the new version of this site, one of the main areas I wanted to focus on was the portfolio. I’d had a really… underwhelming one that was powered by ShrinkTheWeb who (recently) decided to charge for the services I was needing. I took that as a good sign that I should get…
Top 5 Things to Do After Installing Your New WordPress Blog
So you’ve gotten your new website up and ready to go – and you’re chomping at the bit to add some delicious content. But don’t jump the gun just yet – there’s a few things you need to do before you start releasing your new site to the masses. 1. Change your Permalinks Right now…
Two Recently Updated Plugins YOU Should Be Using
Every now and then, just because I’m the biggest WordPress dork I know, I like to just peruse the plugin database to see what’s been updated recently. After all, how can you use new plugins if you don’t know they’re there? I’m glad I looked when I did – I found a few plugins that…
Feed Me! Bring an RSS Feed Anywhere in your Site
Many of us are guilty of running multiple blogs – we have personal blogs, work blogs, and even blogs for our pets. If you’re like me, however, you still like to show the different sides of yourself around your different sites. WordPress’ built in RSS Widget does a great job at bringing external feeds into…