Category: WordPress

  • Latest WordPress Hack – Check your Permalinks, People!

    I’ll type this without the normal pleasantries to make sure this gets out quickly. There’s a WordPress hacker on the loose, and he’s pretty sneaky – he creates a user unseeable to the naked eye (except for the one extra user in the administrator users menu) and masks himself to you, making it easy for…

  • WordPress Tip: iTunes Integration via

    So, you’ve got a personal blog and want to integrate your iTunes playlist into WordPress, but don’t just want to say that you’re listening to a CD – you want to display the album art too? WordPress has a few solutions that work great.  The easiest way to do that is by utilizing the “scrobbler”…

  • A Look Back at WordPress

    …we’ve come a long way from this: …to this… …with a brief stop here… …and to where we are today! And how sweet it is! (thanks to Ozh for a wonderful post – if you aren’t familiar with WordPress, head to his site for a history lesson!)

  • WordPress 2.7

    WordPress 2.7 is nothing short of amazing.  The WordPress team (and 150 others from the community) went back to the drawing board and redesigned the interface from the ground up.  It’s absolutely beautiful, and a testament to great design and an amazing user interface.  But it’s not just pretty, it’s awesome under the hood! Never…

  • Set Up An Amazing E-Commerce Site in 30 Minutes with WordPress

    Step 1: Get a great product (you’d be surprised how many people forget this step…) Step 2: Install WordPress Step 3: Set up a static front page (Settings > Reading)… create a page called “front page” and a page called “blog”.  Head to the options menu and select the reading tab.  Change the “Front Page…

  • WordPress 2.7 is Coming To Town!

    The rumors are WordPress 2.7 will be coming to a download near you sometime tonight.  Release Candidate 1 is widely successful and I’m really looking forward to upgrading to the full version.  If you’re curious as to what the future entails, here are some great posts around the Internet showcasing the new goodness: The Official…

  • WordPress 2.7 Beta – An Introduction (screencast)

    A lot of people have been asking me to explain some of the new features in WordPress 2.7 – the main ones are the admin Interface and some of the new, movable widget-like items in the post menu and on the dashboard.  But, it’s hard to talk about visual changes when, to be honest, you…

  • WordPress MU: Promoting Posts from User Blogs

    A long point of contention with WordPress MU users is the inability to “promote” posts from the user pages to the main blog feed.  This causes a disjoint between the bloggers and the site administrators who want to share the content their users are creating.  Other content management systems have this feature built-in, but WordPress…

  • Custom Branded Google Search With WordPress

    I’ve been playing around with some really cool features in WordPress lately.  With my site, and a few others i’ve been working on, I’ve been toying with the “Page Template” feature that allows me to customize which elements show up on a page (like, a sidebar, specific headers, a footer, etc).  But, while working specifically…

  • WordPress 2.6 Review

    First of all, I updated WordPress to its new version as soon as I was able.  I’ve been very excited to see some of the new features they’ve added, and I have my list of the top ones to look foward to.  There aren’t any major interface changes this time, but (just like any great…