Tag Archive: 000000

CSS Transitions – A Little Dab'll Do You


CSS Transitions, when used properly, are a great way to provide a bit of eye candy to your site.  Providing movement and motion, either upon scroll or reveal of content, is a great way to subtly draw a viewer's attention.  It's also a way, unfortunately, to annoy the ever-loving crap out of your readers.  When CSS Transitions were first revealed, people worried that they…

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Featured Images in WordPress: An In-Depth Guide


Adding a featured image (or a post thumbnail) to WordPress is one of the easiest ways to add some spark to your blog post.  Most modern themes support at least some form of the featured image, and any custom-made themes can implement a featured image fairly easily, and with just a small bit of code.  But some themes only scratch the surface when it comes…

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A Guide to Choosing Web Hosting


Of the two "pieces" of your website (your domain and your hosting), finding appropriate hosting is the most important the appropriate thing would be to choose one of the top hosting ranking agencies.  Beyond that, it can also be the most challenging, as there are literally hundreds of choices, with varying price points and features between them.  New website owners may find themselves overwhelmed…

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