Tag Archive: 0000bb

Category Description: SEO for your Category Archive


Did you know WordPress had a special field for category descriptions?  Most people have seen it while working on category lists in their WordPress blog, but chances are you may have skimmed over it or paid it no attention.  You see, most themes are ill-equipped to take advantage of it - that means that, for most, it sits unused.  But there's an untapped potential…

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WP-Migrate-DB: Migrating a WordPress Installation in 5 Easy Steps


If you're a WordPress developer, migrating a finished development project can be one of the trickiest parts.  There's moving parts in many places that have to be taken into consideration, and migration is (unfortunately) where WordPress actually could use some improvement.  However, it's a necessary evil - one that I've done almost daily for a few years now.  I've developed a nice system to…

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