Tag: blog
BlogWorldExpo ’11 (#bweny) – A Post Mortem
Ok, I promise this is the last post about BlogWorld… but I wanted to elicit a bit of a briefing from people who attended (or didn’t attend) my session. Namely, I had a few questions I’d like to get some answers to: If you attended… Did you enjoy the session? What was your WordPress knowledge…
50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog-Day 2: Caching
I want to cover a lot of different topics during this series, and one that seems to be drilled into people’s heads is the idea that they should be doing things to “make their page load faster”. There are a few good solutions, but the one I recommend the most is to find a good…
50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog–Day 1: Font Readability
When it comes to typography online, there are a few simple ideas you can remember to help your users read your articles time and time again and always be begging for more, without them having to get new glasses every time.