Tag: blogworld
New Media Expo: A Recap
For the past few days, I’ve been in beautiful Las Vegas for the 2013 New Media Expo. You may know this event previously as “BlogWorld”, but this year NMX took Vegas by storm. It backed up to #CES, and there was a lot of overlap with events and some attendees sticking around to attend both.…
One Web to Rule Them All: An Introduction to Responsive Design
This series is meant to be an in-depth look at Responsive Design. It covers the history, the how-to, and best practices on responsive design, taken from the view of someone who hates fluid layouts and has found a (seemingly) better solution. This session will be expounded upon in detail at BlogWorldExpo later this year. According to…
Westward, Ho! (aka, It’s Nearly BlogWorld LA) [#bweny]
Get. Stinking. Excited. It’s that time again – as if BlogWorld New York wasn’t awesome enough, now I’m getting a double dose of awesomeness – west coast style. I just got my acceptance email stating that I will be speaking at BlogWorldLA. It’s November 3-5 at the LA Convention Center, and if it’s even HALF…
Blogworld Hits New York (a recap)
I’m flying on my last flight back from New York (and thankful that these flights fared better than my incoming flights to LaGuardia). I finally have a little bit of time to rest, recouporate, and put into words all of the ideas, feelings, and emotions that I’ve experienced over the last week. I’ve met a…
Why Marketers (and others) Should Learn About WordPress at BlogWorld (#bweny)
I’ve made no qualms in (sometimes a little too much) mentioning that I will be speaking one week from today at BlogWorldExpo in New York City. I’m pretty excited, considering that I missed last year’s conference for the birth of our lovely son #2 (Sorry BlogWorld, it was totally worth it :). As such, I’ve…