Tag Archive: BlogWorldExpo

Speaking At BlogWorldNY 2012 (#bweny)


I got the fantastic news today: I'll be speaking at BlogWorldNY later this year (June 5-7). Topic: Responsive Web Design: One Website to Rule Them All... I'll be talking about what responsive web design is, and why it's beneficial to make your site or blog responsive.  If you've never been, BlogWorld is, by far, one of the best conferences on either coast.  I hope to…

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Why Am I Attending BlogWorld?


October is nearly over, and that means in just over two weeks geeks from all over will be descending on Los Angelas.  BlogWorld's bi-annual conference hits the west coast this year with a vengeance, and judging by the lineup it's going to be a fantastic conference. It's funny though.  I always joke around with attendees because I'm sort of an anomaly.  Everyone attending BlogWorld…

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Westward, Ho! (aka, It’s Nearly BlogWorld LA) [#bweny]


Get. Stinking. Excited. It's that time again - as if BlogWorld New York wasn't awesome enough, now I'm getting a double dose of awesomeness - west coast style. I just got my acceptance email stating that I will be speaking at BlogWorldLA.  It's November 3-5 at the LA Convention Center, and if it's even HALF as awesome as New York was, it's going to…

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