Tag: Facebook

  • Marketing To Your Tribe

    Sitting on a plane, being able to write on my blog… technology is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? I’m flying back from Chicago (by way of Charleston, SC) to Nashville. I had the opportunity to speak on Gamification at two very awesome (and very different) events: Digital Summit Chicago and Type-A Parent & Lifestyle Blogging…

  • Google+

    I’ve been testing out, using, and utilizing Google+ now for 5 days.  I’m proud to say that I was in on Google+ on Day 1,  because it’s like being in the ground floor of a building that’s being built around you.  There’s tons of activity, lots of potential, and builders who are actively listening to…

  • 50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog–Day 3: Sharing is Caring

    There’s no better feeling than putting the last period on your post. We want to share it on Twitter or Facebook, but is there such a thing as “too much”?

  • What 2009 Holds for Social Media

    Normally I’m not one to recycle information on the net (I think that we’ve already become a big enough echo chamber without one other voice being added) but I do like this PDF put out by 14 of the best minds in Social Media.  It’s a great read! Social Media 2009 Publish at Scribd or…