Tag Archive: PodCamp

PodCampNashville – #pcn12 was (as always) a success!


Today, hundreds of geeks woke up early, strapped on their laptop bags, and converged onto the Tequila Cowboy bar in Nashville for the 5th annual PodCamp unconference.  Nashville has a reputation for delivering some of the best unconferences in the nation, and today was no different.  Attendance was a bit smaller (~450 people), but I honestly enjoyed the smaller crowd, as it gave me a chance…

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Tales of a *Camp Veteran – Maximizing Your PodCamp Experience (for #pcn11)


[caption id="attachment_1342" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo credit: Wonderdawg777 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wonderdawg777)"][/caption] The Nashville PodCamp (coming up this Saturday) marks my 15th camp experience, both as a speaker and as a participant.  The past three years I’ve held privilege to attend camps all over the country, but the Nashville camps (and the southeast in general) seems to have the best handle on how to have a good time…

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