Tag: Tutorial
Building a Portfolio With Custom Post Types / Taxonomies: Enhancing The Archive
Yesterday we finished our portfolio, built with a custom post type, three taxonomies, and some custom field information that we can use to display lots of data about our pieces. Today is a bonus; we’ve got all these really cool taxonomies, but no way to really browse the portfolio based on a specific term. Create…
WordPress BootCamp: Setting a Static Front Page
If you’re new to WordPress, you may be wondering how in the world WordPress could be anything more than a simple blog.
Foursquare vs. Gowalla… annnnnd fight!
<script type=”text/javascript”>function initMenus() { $(‘ul#accordion li ul’).hide(); $.each($(‘ul#accordion’), function(){ $(‘#’ + this.id + ‘.expandfirst ul:first’).show(); }); $(‘ul#accordion li h2.widgettitle’).click( function() { var checkElement = $(this).next(); var parent = this.parentNode.parentNode.id; if($(‘#’ + parent).hasClass(‘noaccordion’)) { $(this).next().slideToggle(‘normal’); return false; } if((checkElement.is(‘ul’)) && (checkElement.is(‘:visible’))) { if($(‘#’ + parent).hasClass(‘collapsible’)) { $(‘#’ + parent + ‘ ul:visible’).slideUp(‘normal’); } return false; …
Displaying Comment Number Next to Posts
A lot of people have commented on my new design how they love the comment bubble next to the post title. It’s a great way to foster communication and showcase how many people are talking on your site. So, if you want to add the same functionality to your site, here is the fastest way…
Creating a WordPress Theme from a .PSD file – Part 5 (footer.php)
This post is part of the “Creating a WordPress Theme from a .PSD” series for designers to use for theme development. The other posts can be found here: Part 1 – Background / Introduction Part 2 – From .PSD to .HTML Part 3 – WordPress Structure Part 4 – The Header (header.php) Part 5 –…