Tag: WordPress 3.1

  • Exclude Non-Standard Post Formats from the WordPress Post Count

    I’ve been diving into WordPress’ new post-formats lately, and was able to quickly implement some of the new features into the site.  I’ve really taken hold of two post formats: statuses (like a facebook status or a tweet) and links (to non-studionashvegas news, mostly from the WordPress world).  But, I got to thinking – these…

  • What’s New in WordPress 3.1

    WordPress 3.1, codename “Reinhardt”, released today to much fanfare and rejoicing to all.  But what’s so special about the new version? Look no further: Internal Linking One of the best new features of 3.1 – this brings Internal Linking to the forefront, allowing you to quickly link to old posts, pages, or other content types.…

  • Thursday Conversations: HTML5

    One of the best new features of 3.1 – this brings Internal Linking to the forefront, allowing you to quickly link to old posts, pages, or other content types. Admin Bar Also super important – this adds a bar to any logged in user that has commonly used functions or actions within easy reach –…