Thank You


I’m writing this sitting in a car travelling to Kentucky to my parents house for Thanksgiving.  Isn’t technology fantastic?

It’s been just over two years since I bought my studionashvegas domain and started the twitter account for my business.  It’s been a very interesting two years (to say the least) but if you would have told me two years ago what I would be doing now, I would have probably laughed in your face (or at least, I wouldn’t have believed you).

Most people would use this space to thank people by name (and believe me, I could fill your RSS reader with people who have been both an inspiration and blessing [and when needed, a kick in the pants]) but since there’s so many names to put, I’ll leave it at this:

If you’ve been a client, a contractor, a vendor, a follower on twitter, a facebook friend, or have in any way, shape, form, or fashion had any interaction with me, both good and bad… thank you.  I wouldn’t be where I am without you, an I can only hope that I have (even if it’s in a small way) done the same for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!