Category Archive: Conferences

BarCampMemphis – My Slides / Presentations (#BCMEM)


Here’s the UStream file of my first session that happened at BarCampMemphis.  The second session lost the stream, and (therefore) my recording was cut.  Sorry! Free video streaming by Ustream And here are the slideshows: Blogging 101 / Intro to WordPress View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: bcmem barcampnashville) Making WordPress Dance (BCMEM Edition) View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags:…

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I’ll see you at BarCampMemphis!


Dave Barger graciously invited me to speak at Memphis’ BarCamp, so I will be making the voyage from Nashvegas to Graceland tomorrow.  Not sure what the plans are for tomorrow night, but Saturday’s going to be an action packed day.  I’ll be speaking on blogging 101 (specifically with WordPress) and then doing an advanced tactics session for WordPress, so all you junkies be ready…

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BCN08 – Final Thoughts


This weekend was BarCampNashville for those of you who didn't know or aren't from the lovely Music City.  I gotta say that the BarCamp volunteers pulled out all the stops this year.  We had the Sommet center as our backdrop, there were lots of speakers on a variety of topics, and even I got into the mix with my presentations on WordPress and social…

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Rules For BarCamp


With BarCampNashville looming on the horizon (aka, tomorrow), it's only fitting that today's post be geared toward the *camp scene and what to expect.  Here are a few tips to remember tomorrow while you're at the conference (and at future conferences thereafter): What To Bring: Business Cards: Hand them out like candy, and accept them just as readily.  Then, make sure you send a…

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BarCampNashville Cometh!


It's less than a week until BarCampNashville happens here in... well, Nashville!  I'm super excited as to the prospects of what will happen, not just because I'm speaking but because I will be stopping in on some of the sessions to learn my bit as well. I ask you now, my lovely readers, to go onto the site and vote for my sessions.  I…

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WordCamp Birmingham


Andre Natta and the rest of the planning crew down in Birmingham have been working non-stop to make sure that the first south-eastern WordCamp is going to be a great success.  If you're into WordPress [ and really, who isn't? ;) ], they're still looking for both sponsors and speakers. I have two sessions planned for WordCampBirmingham.  My first session will be "Making WordPress…

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