Tag Archive: twitter


Social Media

I’ve been testing out, using, and utilizing Google+ now for 5 days.  I’m proud to say that I was in on Google+ on Day 1,  because it’s like being in the ground floor of a building that’s being built around you.  There’s tons of activity, lots of potential, and builders who are actively listening to the ideas and concerns that their new tenants have. …

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BlogWorldExpo ’11 (#bweny) – A Post Mortem


Ok, I promise this is the last post about BlogWorld... but I wanted to elicit a bit of a briefing from people who attended (or didn't attend) my session.  Namely, I had a few questions I'd like to get some answers to: If you attended... Did you enjoy the session? What was your WordPress knowledge going in Did something I say or do convince…

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50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog–Day 3: Sharing is Caring


This post is the third of an ongoing series entitled “50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog”.  Over the next 48 days, Mitch will be providing small snippits of code, plugins, and things you can do to make your blog more attractive, attain new readers, and keep old ones coming back time and time again. You can see the entire series here. There’s no…

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How to Create a Dynamic Sidebar Controlled with Custom Fields in WordPress


OK, so it’s not the most original title in the world, but it gets the point across :) I’ve been working with the fantastic Jeff Brown and the Way-FM crew to create a site for their Nashville presence that will allow them super-quick, easy content management and a place they can post local stories and events.  WordPress, of course, is the logical choice, but…

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Three Lessons We Can Learn from Hacker Croll


So, if you haven’t been closely following the incident involving TechCrunch, Twitter, and a very astute hacker called Croll, then you’re missing out on a turning point for internet security as we know it. In case you’re new to the story, here’s what happened in a nutshell, via TechCrunch: HC (Hacker Croll) accessed Gmail for a Twitter employee by using the password recovery feature…

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“Sue First, and Ask Questions Later” – Should We Watch What We Tweet?

Social Media

I’ve been following the story out of Chicago about the Bonnen v. Horizon Realty Group (latest post on Mashable is that Horizon is backpedaling) with some keen interest.  Here’s a tenant who says something bad about her (former?) landlord, to 20 people (the number of followers she has) and it ends up leading to a huge social-network-fronted outcry from the company.  It’s the first…

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What 2009 Holds for Social Media

Social Media

Normally I’m not one to recycle information on the net (I think that we’ve already become a big enough echo chamber without one other voice being added) but I do like this PDF put out by 14 of the best minds in Social Media.  It’s a great read! Social Media 2009 Publish at Scribd or explore others: Management Business social media 2009

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