Tag: WordPress
Feed Me! Bring an RSS Feed Anywhere in your Site
Many of us are guilty of running multiple blogs – we have personal blogs, work blogs, and even blogs for our pets. If you’re like me, however, you still like to show the different sides of yourself around your different sites. WordPress’ built in RSS Widget does a great job at bringing external feeds into…
Upcoming WordCamps, June 2011 Edition
It’s worth noting that there are quite a few WordCamps going on in the month of June. There’s 3 in the US, and for those of you across the pond (waaaay across), there’s one in Thessaloniki (now that’s a camp I’d love to be “invited” to speak at!) Jun 4-5 WordCamp Reno-Lake Tahoe Reno, NV…
BlogWorldExpo ’11 (#bweny) – A Post Mortem
Ok, I promise this is the last post about BlogWorld… but I wanted to elicit a bit of a briefing from people who attended (or didn’t attend) my session. Namely, I had a few questions I’d like to get some answers to: If you attended… Did you enjoy the session? What was your WordPress knowledge…
Why Marketers (and others) Should Learn About WordPress at BlogWorld (#bweny)
I’ve made no qualms in (sometimes a little too much) mentioning that I will be speaking one week from today at BlogWorldExpo in New York City. I’m pretty excited, considering that I missed last year’s conference for the birth of our lovely son #2 (Sorry BlogWorld, it was totally worth it :). As such, I’ve…
50 Days to a Better Blog–Day 8: Proper Permalinks
This post is the eighth of an ongoing series entitled “50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog”. During this time, Mitch will be providing small snippits of code, plugins, and things you can do to make your blog more attractive, attain new readers, and keep old ones coming back time and time again. You can…
50 Days to a Better Blog–Day 6: Quicker Blogging with Shortcodes
When it comes to blogging, one of the biggest reasons people stop is the lack of time it takes to effectively update a blog. I’m always on the lookout for tips that I can give to people to help them blog quicker without sacrificing content.
50 Days to a Better Blog–Day 5: Switching to Drupal
I can’t even type this post with a straight face – nothing but love to all of my Drupal friends, though! It has its time and place, but for a blog, WordPress is always the way to go. The real Day 5 Post is coming soon.
50 Days to a Better WordPress Blog–Day 3: Sharing is Caring
There’s no better feeling than putting the last period on your post. We want to share it on Twitter or Facebook, but is there such a thing as “too much”?