Category Archive: Conferences

WordCamp US – In Nashville!


In less than one week, WordPress enthusiasts from all over the globe will converge on Nashville, TN for WordCamp US - the annual pilgrimage to celebrate, learn about, and meet others interested in WordPress. Nashville's been my home for over 10 years now, and has a very strong WordPress community here. I've been very privileged to work for an organization that celebrates WordPress' role…

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Level Up Your WordPress Security

Conferences, Security

I had an amazing time speaking and networking at the #WPCampus Event in Buffalo this past weekend.  I was fortunate to be able to share some insight on the realm of Security, and make it (hopefully) more than a fruitless, confusion quest. First of all, here are my slides: And now, the caveats/prologues: I had someone reach out on Twitter and mention that…

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I got a crash course in the world of "higher education" when I joined the amazing team at the Vanderbilt Web Communications department. Higher-Ed was a brand new world to me, and while a lot of the same issues carry over from "normal" web design, there's a whole different set of things to worry about. Now, over a year later, I feel like I've…

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Upcoming Conferences to Consider


I love conferences. There is a certain vibe you can only get from being in a room with people who are just as excited as you about a subject.  And not just because there's great speakers: some of my favorite times at a conference come from the "hallway track" - getting out of the session halls and chatting with people I see.  I've made…

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New Media Expo: The Introduction


[caption id="attachment_2409" align="alignleft" width="201"] Thanks to @wpbeginner for taking this photo - and for the amazing shirt ;)[/caption] If you know me, you know that New Media Expo (formerly BlogWorld) is my absolute favorite event to attend during the year.  I average about six conferences a year (between the various WordCamps, PodCamps, and other camps), but there's none that I'd rather attend. I'll be…

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I know, I know. I haven't posted in a long time here, but I promise I'm working up some new stuff. It takes time, and that's something I haven't had a lot of lately. To tide you over, here's some fantastic news for anyone who's in NC: I'll be speaking at NCDevCon, one of North Carolina's best tech and hacker events. For more information,…

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BlogWorldExpo Interactive Map


I've recently found Google Map's "Map Builder", and realized that with BlogWorld nearing the 2 week warning it would be handy to visualize where I'd be going, staying, travelling to, etc.  So, here's a Google Map to help myself (and anyone who can use it) out. Click here to view the map by itself The map is split into 4 types of events: Red…

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Breaking Silence


So, I've been really quiet on here for a bit.  I know, I know - I keep saying all these things about how I want to blog more and never do.  That's my bad, for sure. So, that said, I wanted to give you guys an update on how things are going.  People forget that behind all the code and graphics there's a real…

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PodCampNashville – #pcn12 was (as always) a success!


Today, hundreds of geeks woke up early, strapped on their laptop bags, and converged onto the Tequila Cowboy bar in Nashville for the 5th annual PodCamp unconference.  Nashville has a reputation for delivering some of the best unconferences in the nation, and today was no different.  Attendance was a bit smaller (~450 people), but I honestly enjoyed the smaller crowd, as it gave me a chance…

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