WTF Is… A Digital Strategy?

Digital Strategy

Let's be honest: there's a lot to take in online lately. We started with Facebook and Twitter, might have dipped our toes into Plurk and Google+, and have communicated with Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope and Meerkat. Who knew that over such a short course of human history that the walls of communication could be broken down in so many ways. It's daunting to look around…

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Why I (Still) Use WordPress


It's no secret that I love WordPress. I've built this site on it, for one, but I brag that I've used WordPress for nearly all of the projects I've done over the last few years.  Other platforms have come and gone, but WordPress has remained steadily at the top of my list of "must-use" tools. My workflow has changed, but it still all centers…

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Raid Dynamics: What Can We Learn From A MMO?


It's 8:00 Central on a Friday night. For some, the work week is done; for others, classes are out of session. As for me, my kids are in bed, and I'm settling down with a drink in front of my laptop. I put on my headphones and click the icon. Credentials set, I log-in. My autumn desktop vanishes, replaced by a landscape of snow…

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Making it Work From Home


Having a job where you work from home is an incredible challenge.  For people used to being in an office, it can be difficult to make the switch easily. Combine that with the knowledge that your loved ones (significant others, kids, pets, room-mates) are sitting feet away from you, and it's a wonder that anyone gets any work done at all! But, the number…

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Theme Release: Downbeat 2.0


A long time ago, I released a version of my core WordPress theme, called Parthenon.  It was well received, but I ended up making so many changes to it that I eventually scrapped that theme - and the name - in favor of something more fitting to it's purpose: to be the baseline for my client's themes.  Thus, I created Downbeat about 2 years…

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WordPress 4.1 Release Candidate Available


Just in time for Christmas, the amazing WordPress contribution team is getting geared up to release WordPress 4.1 on December 16. Right now, we can settle for the "WordPress 4.1 Release Candidate" In case you missed it, here's what to expect from WordPress 4.1: A new theme, Twenty Fifteen. It's more blog focused, and is very much designed for mobile as well as desktop. A…

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5 Essential WooCommerce Extensions, Add-Ons & Plugins


WooCommerce is one of the most powerful WordPress eCommerce solutions on the market. Out of the box, it does everything you'd expect an eCommerce system to do: Host products Have a scannable product listing Take orders for products Accept payments through PayPal Allow people to use coupons But, sometimes, you need to think outside of the box.  Sometimes the default functionality is great, but…

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Redirection: An Easy Way to Handle 301 Redirects

Tutorial, WordPress

Since I've switched to my new design, I've also done quite a bit of cleanup work on the content side of things.  I pruned a lot of old articles that weren't bringing in search traffic (and weren't related to the site anymore), cleaned up a lot of the categories, and set my permalink structure to something that was a little easier to digest. The…

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New Year, New Design, New Focus


Wow! What an incredible year 2014 has been. You may have noticed that this year was a bit... quiet on the [studionashvegas] front. To be honest, it was that way for a reason - I stepped back and took a long, hard look at a few things, and used it as a year of experimentation to try a few different ideas.  I recorded a…

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Using a Child Theme in WordPress


Most WordPress themes, by and large, are ready to go out-of-the-box.  Every now and then, however, we have to make changes to a theme that goes beyond the standard options and settings the theme gives us We may have to change a layout, add some content, or simply rearrange the elements on the theme; there are some things you just can't use a radio…

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